Mexico 2000

In January 2000 Tim and I went to heaven and they called it Cancun

our room in Cancun and there was a hot girl on tv view of the Caribbean Sea. the beach in front of the hotel one sexy mother phucker I think this is where Tim found his love of dancing. the hotel bar with the best friends you can make BARTENDERS!!!!! now this is the life I think everyone has seen me do this who needs the pool when you got the sea Tim and some girl outside the Hard Rock hanging with our bud outside Senor Frog's can you tell we just woke up i'm not scratching now we all know not to try and get me out of bed our really nice hotel room at the second hotel I think this is where I learned to drink got some good deals here ahhhhh Coco Bongo one of the better clubs Daddy-O night club. main street of Cancun. Tim in front of a cool looking car ahhhhhh do you blame me for taking this picture nothing like getting your beer and drugs in the same store but it was a dry heat a lovely mexican bus guess what I'M DRUNK Tim after 20 shots (that's right 20) of Vodka!!!! I think we all know how he is feeling no i'm not on that playing some volleyball on the beach now that's the life